BPSC Advertisement No 5 2024 Jobs BPSC Jobs New
BPSC Advertisement No 5 2024 Jobs Has Announced Latest Vacancies in Balochistan, Those Candidates from Pakistan and Having Local/Domicile of Balochistan can now apply for these vacant post, Complete Procedure for these Vacant Jobs which Also defined in the advertisement below and as well as written In This Post, These BPSC Advertisement No 5 2024 Jobs Have been announced through the Daily Intekhab Newspaper Hub. Candidates Who Interested to apply He or she Must read the complete Procedure before Applying for any Post. Candidates Who meet the requisite Qualification then He/she applies for the Given Vacancy. All the Vacancies Details are also shown below,
Interested and Eligible Male/Female candidates from Balochistan can apply BPSC Advertisement No 5 2024 Jobs through the procedure Which is written In Advertisement as required by the organization and Candidates can get each post eligibility requirement from the advertisement. Current Job Advertisement Shown In Below. Concerned Department offers employment to Males and Females. So, the applicants should follow the quotas described for advertised positions. Do Not Apply Before Reading This Completely.
Every candidate must have original documents. Because Documents Required at the time of Test or Interview Those candidates who have the following qualifications or Who Meets the requirements are able to apply for this job. Every candidate must apply as soon as possible because the last date for applying is very short. Further information for this job is given below. The Current Below advertisement provides the detailed information about the Current job titles, qualifications Details, required experience, and other essential criteria which are Mentioned Below. It is Necessary for interested and Eligible candidates to carefully Read out the shown advertisement and He/She Must meet all the requirements Which Required by the Department before proceeding with the application process. It is Must for You to Check Given Add First that could be easy to Understand the BPSC Advertisement No 5 2024 New Jobs Which Were Announced In 2024.
Details About the Current Job of BPSC Advertisement No 5 2024
CONSOLIDATED ADVERTISEMENT NO.05/2024 Applications are invited for initial recruitment to the following posts in the Health Department and Excise, Taxation & Anti-Narcotics Department of Government of Balochistan. Don’t wait for the last date, apply online today.
1 | Location | Balochistan |
2 | Posted On | 10 April 2024 |
3 | Deadline | 06 May 2024 |
4 | Vacancies | 67 Vacants |
5 | Newspaper Name | Daily Intekhab Hub |
6 | Required Qualification | Each Post has Different Qualification Requirements |
7 | Eligibility | All Over Balochistan Candidates can Apply (divisional Posts) |
8 | Age Limit | 43 (According to Govt of Balochistan) |
9 | Department | Health and Excise |
10 | Gender | Male – Female |
11 | Experience | Not required for all Vacants Better to check. Advertisement |
12 | Jobs Alert | Click to Join Group |
Basic Information About Balochistan Public Service Commission Jobs
Age: Age will be calculated on the closing date for receipt of applications.
Local/Domicile Certificate: The candidate should submit local/domicile certificate of his/her district. A married female candidate, not already in Government Service and desires to apply on the basis of local/domicile of her husband, is required to submit the local/domicile certificate of her husband containing her name. In case of in-service candidates, the local/domicile certificate endorsed in service record of department will be accepted. The Government reserves the right not to fill any vacancy or to fill more or less than the number of vacancies announced by the Commission.
Zonal Allocation: The zonal allocation of vacancies has been made in accordance with the Government of Baluchistan’s Recruitment Policy of 1991.
Experience: Unless otherwise prescribed in the recruitment rules, the requisite experience (with necessary valid documentary proof) means the post qualification experience gained in a regular, full-time paid job and that of the on-job training subject to its relevancy acquired after obtaining the required qualification till closing date. Experience as part time, honorary, apprentice and internee will not be considered/counted as experience.
Eligibility: Eligibility of the candidates in terms of Recruitment Rules and the advertised conditions shall be determined after the conduct of screening/professional test/examination. On detailed scrutiny of the applications if they are found ineligible, their candidatures will be cancelled irrespective of the fact whether they have appeared in the examination/test or even qualified therein. On rejection of application of candidates on the basis of their ineligibility, the Commission would inform the applicants. The candidates should, therefore, make sure before applying that they are eligible in all respects for the post, they have applied for.
Viva Voce Test: The written/MCQs test qualified candidates will be called for Viva Voce Test and the same would be as follows: – Current Affairs: (Last one- or two-month’s important happenings/issues which are highlighted in Print /Electronic Media. General Knowledge: (Related to Balochistan, Pakistan and International) Islamic/Religious Studies: (Islamic questions regarding day to day issues as Muslim, Holy Prophet’s life (PBUH) and period of Khulafa-e- Kashideen). However, a candidate belonging to other religion would be asked questions according to his/her religion. Pakistan Studies: (185/ to 1947 and 1947 to till date).
The candidates who qualify for viva-voce test will be intimated by post, sms and telephonically to furnish/submit one (01) set of requisite documents duly verified by the concerned Board/University and attested by Guezetted Officer i.e. four (04) photographs, Matric, Intermediate DMCs/certificates, Bachelor, Master, M.Phil., Ph.D. Transcript/Degrees, CNIC, Experience Certificate (where required) showing nature of job concerned.
According to the current notification, the BPSC invites applications from local applicants to fill the vacant seats Shown in Below as Written List of Vacancies.
All Available vacancies list:
- HEALTH DEPARTMENT (POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE) . Botany Eive 25) Posts of Assistant Professor (B-18) in Various Specialties in PM afflated
- Anesthesiology
- ENT Orthopedic Surgery
- Urology
- Pediatric Medicine
- Ophthalmology
- Cardiology
- Medicine Radiology
- Neurosurgery
- Gastroenterology
- Psychiatry
- Endocrinology
- Gynecology
- Nephrology
- Rheumatology
- General Surgery
- Interventional Cardiology
- Qualification/Experience: i. MBBS or equivalent medical qualification recognized/registered by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council. ii. FCPS/MS/MD in the respective specialty OR other equivalent qualifications in the relevant specialty recognized /registered by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council. Three years teaching /practical experience in the respective specialty in the recognized institution in order of the following preference: – First Preference: – Teaching experience. Second Preference: – Practical Experience after post-graduation. Third Preference: – Practical experience before post-graduation. Gender: Both (Male & Female) candidates are eligible. (Except for the Post of A.P. Gynecology where only female candidates are eligible). Age Limit: 27 to 40 years (In case of the person already in Government Service with at least three years’ service upper age limit shall not apply). Mode of Test: MCQs in the relevant subject.
- One (01) Post of Assistant Professor (B-18) Pathology in PGMI affiliated with Bolan Medical College, Quetta. Zonal Allocation Kalat Zone.
- Qualification/Experience: i. MBBS or equivalent medical qualification recognized/registered by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council. ii. D. Sc., Ph.D., FCPS/MS/MD/M.Phil. (Pak) in the respective basic subjects, which are recognized/Regd: by P.M &D.C. OR Postgraduate minor diploma in respective subject which are recognized/registered by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council.
- Teaching experience in relevant basic subject should be preferred. iv. Credit should be given to the original published research work in the standard medical journal. v. FCPS, M.S., M.D in related clinical subjects may be eligible as last priority in exigency. Gender: Both male and female candidates are eligible. Age Limit: 27 to 40 years (In case of the person already in Government Service with at least three years’ service uper age limit shall not apply). Svllabus: MCQs test in the relevant subiect.
- Qualification/Experience: i. MBBS or equivalent medical qualification recognized/registered by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council. ii. D. Sc., Ph.D., FCPS/MS/MD/M.Phil. (Pak) in the respective basic subjects, which are recognized/Regd: by P.M &D.C. OR Postgraduate minor diploma in respective subject which are recognized/registered by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council.
- Thirty-Eight (38) Posts of Senior Registrar (B-18) in Various Specialties in PGMI affiliated with Bolan Medical College. Quetta.
- Pediatric
- Medicine
- Neurosurgery
- Radiology
- Gynecology
- Surgery
- Gastroenterology
- Endocrinology
- Neurology
- Urology
- Rheumatology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Psychiatry
- Nephrology
- Anesthesiology
- Dermatology
- Interventional Cardiology
- Qualification/Experience: i. MBBS or equivalent Medical qualification recognized/registered by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council. ii. FCPS/MS/MD in the respective specialty OR other equivalent qualifications in the relevant specialty recognized /registered by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council. Gender: Both (Male & Female). candidates are eligible. (Except for the Post of S.R. Gynecology where only female candidates are eligible). Age Limit: 27 to 40 years (In case of the person already in Government Service with at least three years’ service upper age limit shall not apply). Mode of Test: MCQs in the relevant subject.
- EXCISE, TAXATION & ANTI-NARCOTICS DEPARTMENT Two (02) Posts of Legal Officer/Law Officer (B-17). Zonal Allocation Merit (All Balochistan) Kalat Zone 01
- Qualification/Experience: a) bachelor’s degree in law (LL. B) at least in Second Division from a recognized University; b) Preferably holding license of High Court and practicing advocate at least for three years’; and c) Having valid registration with Balochistan Bar Counsel. Gender: Both (Male & Female) candidates are eligible Age Limit: 18 to 28 years and general upper age relaxation up to 43 years granted by the Government of Balochistan for fresh candidates as well as government servants.
In this Advertisement of Balochistan Public Service Commission there are Sixt seven (67) Vacancies of Health and Excise and Narcotics Department Have Been Announced. Applicants may follow the guideline to get these jobs in Balochistan. After Completing the Procedure, you will get these Jobs In balochistan. Process of Recruitment will be Done Step by step.
1st You need to Submit the application form Physically or via bpsc official site. After Completing the process of form Department will verify this form to check bogus or fake Documents. After this Process Test or Interview date shall be announced In Local Newspapers Like (Jang, Intekhab, Express etc.) and as well as bpsc.gob.pk website which own bpsc official where you get all updates like how to apply for online BPSC jobs, Roll No Slip Interview Schedule, Test Date, Corrigendum (if Any) You will get all the updates here too In our website. After Test and Interview Department will shortlist the candidates for final selection. These process takes moths to be completed.
IMPORTANT LINKS – For BPSC Jobs Announced In Balochistan 2024 By Baljobs
The Citizen of Pakistan, Both the Males & Females, can get this opportunity. Applicants searching for BPSC Government Jobs in Mentioned department of the All Sector or Govt Jobs may check this post and review the details which given in advertisement or by website owner all the details taken from the advertisement applicants could read this to get Jobs of current career opportunities.
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Application Form | Check BPSC Site |
Online Apply | Apply Online |
Website Link | bpsc.gob.pk |
WhatsApp Group | Click to Join |
How to apply for BPSC Advertisement No 5 2024 Jobs?
- The application procedure can be seen in the job notice.
- All applications for Initial Recruitment in BPS-16 and above must be submitted online through BPSC’s website www.bpsc.gob.pk. No hardcopy of online application is required from the applicants. However, those applicants who do not have access to internet facility, are allowed to submit their applications on the prescribed form must reach Balochistan Public Service Commission, Quetta by hand or by mail on or before the closing date i.e. 06 May 2024. Application form available at BPSC website giving detailed particulars in the light of prescribed conditions for the post applied for.
- It will be mandatory for the candidates to bring original CNIC, Treasury Receipt (Green Challan) and downloaded copy of Admission Certificate/Roll no slip at the time of Screening/ Written Test. (The candidates should realize that original CNIC and original Treasury Receipt (Green Challan) would be admissible as a valid document. It is reiterated that the candidates must preserve the original T.R and do not send the same to BPSC office in advance, so as to avoid any inconvenience at the time of entry in the Examination Halls)
- Those candidates who have submitted their application by hand or sent by mail/post, their roll no slips will be dispatched to their postal address as well as they will be intimated through sms.
- Admission Certificates/Roll no slips for Screening (MCQ’s Test/Written test) for posts applied will be placed on the website of BPSC i.e. www.bpsc.gob.pk. Candidates are advised to frequently visit this website. They will be intimated through SMS as well.
- No extra time is allowed for postal transit etc. APPLICATION FEE: The Candidates are required to deposit the original treasury receipt of POST (Basic Pay Scale) AMOUNT(Fee) BPS-18 Posts Rs. 1200/- BPS-17 Posts Rs. 800/- The amount should be deposited in the State Bank/National Bank of Pakistan only in the province of Balochistan or Government Treasury authorized to transact business on behalf of Government of Balochistan under the Head C02101 ORGAN OF STATE EXAM FEE RECEIPT BPSC with incorporating the relevant RCO/District-wise Code in Challan. The RCO/District-wise code is available on the official website of this Commission i.e. www.bpsc.gob.pk.CAUTION Please refuse to engage with any person who may offer to help you get selected. Have faith in your own ability and trust in ALLAH ALMIGHTY. In case dubious person contacts you for providing undue favor in written examination or interview. please immediately contact the following Hon’ble Members of the Commission at once: –
- Madam Mudassir Asrar, Member (BPSC) Tel: 081-9203142
- Mr. Khalid Baloch, Member (BPSC) 081-9201572
- Mr. Sher Khan Bazai, Member (BPSC) Tel: Tel: 081-9201562
- Your name will be kept secret, and no prejudice will be caused to you.
- Those who are already in service should submit their application through proper channel.
- Age relaxation will be allowed as per Government Policy.
- No TA / DA will be admissible to candidates appearing for test / interviews.
- Institution reserves all rights to accept or reject any application.
- Government employees can also apply by submitting no objection certificate (NOC) along with resume.
- Only eligible candidates who perfectly meet the requisite qualifications and experience may send applications.
- Selected candidates must bring their Original Documents/Certificates, CNIC at the time of Interview.
- Authority has the reserved rights to increase the post or decrease the posts.
- Disable Quota/Minorities Quota/ Women Quota shall be considered as per Government Policy.
- Eligible are welcome to apply for following Positions.
- Apply before deadline. Applications received after the closing date shall not be entertained.
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Deadline: 06 May 2024
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